October 27, 2010

Real Beauty

So for my Women's Studies class (which I love) we were assigned to write an essay on women's inner beauty. And let me tell you, this will probably be my favorite essay that I will ever write as a Zoobie. So good! (And I busted it out in an hour. Holla!) Who knew that the media could change a woman so completely with the help of technology. Here's a prediction: Technology will be the bane of our existence. But with the help of Dove (yes, that wonderful body wash that I use religiously in the shower) you too can find your inner beauty. So here are a few sites to show the women in the world how beautiful they really are:
1. http://www.dove.us/#/cfrb/
2. http://www.teen-beauty-tips.com/the-truth-about-beauty.html
3. http://www.projectinnerbeauty.com/
4. http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=092ef6e4ff3b8210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=f318118dd536c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD
5. Also, your mother will always tell you how b-e-a-utiful you are!
Done and done.

October 25, 2010

Witty things that M says:

Spending the last few weeks w/ M I've noticed a few habitual things that are said by her.  She tends to choose her words carefully in order for people to catch the exact drift that she means to send, but there is also a side to M that lets loose and tells it like it is.  Here are just a few of the words, sayings, euphemisms, etc.....
1.  What a gem
2.  Well, that's as good as it's gonna get
3.  Mmmmmm - when she does/says this you know shes in a good mood
4.  For sure?? (in a mocking tone) if you dont know......you don't need to
5.  Thank you - personally my favorite
done and done.

October 11, 2010

Changes in the Wind.

Fall is coming. I can just feel it deep down in my bones (and also whipping through my hair). And with fall comes change. I love the change because sometimes I get a little bit antsy and a tiny bit bored with the norm, ya know? I was sitting on the Hinckley bench with H (I do believe that our Sunday walks might become tradish) when I decided on a few things I would change along with the weather:
1. My hair (I guess its already changed, but a big one)
2. My study habits (still need to work on changing those)
3. My attitude towards people (no gossip, no judging)
4. My sleeping habits (less sleeping in class, more sleeping at night)
5. My perspective on life (I will less stressed, and more enjoyable to be around)
I guess you could say I'm turning over a new leaf, metaphorically and literally. But I promise it will only be the best of changes.
Done and done.

October 9, 2010

Boys are Like Shoes...

Most people, especially my dad and the credit card companies, know that the female gender in our family are  big shoppers. While we were on a shopping extravaganza (most likely at anthro) and swapping stories about our week, we came up with the analogy "Boys are like shoes" which is the most correct statement that has ever been made in the history of boys. Just think about it. Boys are like shoes because:
1. The best shoes go with every outfit, everyday. Even the sweats days.
2. You only shop in the stores with cute shoes
3. Sometimes they give you blisters or make you cry.
4. You always find your favorite pair when you aren't on the hunt for them
5. You are allowed to try them on before you buy them.
And the list goes on. But if you know how to shop for shoes, you'll most certainly know how to shop for boys. But remember that you always need your mother's opinion on both boys and shoes!
Done and done.

October 1, 2010

To Every Action...

College teaches people a lot of things. In the month that I have been here (yes, I do believe it's mine and BYU's one month anniversary) I have learned several things:
1. People notice my actions, so I better be doing the right ones.
2. I don't have to have the "classic freshman party experience" to make my own experiences.
3. The adversary knows my potential (even when I do not) and will try everything to stop me from progressing.
4. Its not how many friends I have, its the kind of friends.
5. The only way I will ever know ANYTHING is if I put my trust in the Lord.
I have been so blessed to come to BYU. And to have S and C in my life. And to be placed in the right place at the right time. And to constantly be reminded that I must love to serve and serve to love. Amen.
Done and done.

September 22, 2010

I Should Get an Award for This...

I have recently done a major scientific study and have found that the most efficient way to do my homework is to wait as long as possible to do it so that I have a set time limit. Usually twenty minutes before class starts. In other words... I should get an award for how well I procrastinate. How is it completely, 100% justifiable? If I don't give myself a time limit then I will wind up shopping online twenty minutes after I try to start my homework early. So really, I'm saving myself time and money. And since I have so much time right now (while I'm NOT preparing for my midterm a week in advance) I have discovered some tidbits of information on that wonderful procrastinating device called the internet:
1. There is a book for insults and comebacks for those that aren't bright enough to come up with them on their own. (http://www.amazon.com/Insults-Comebacks-All-Occasions-Lines/dp/1601060580/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1285215302&sr=8-1
2. Google books only gives sections of the book. Don't let it fool you into not buying a whole book for your civ. class
3. Netflix is so great and makes procrastination that much easier.
4. Lovin' the new and improved Google!
5. Warby Parker has done it again. For every pair they sell, they will give a pair to someone in need. Well I'm in need of the black Fillmore glasses please. (http://www.warbyparker.com/womens-eyewear-fillmore-eyeglass-frame-black?sc=7&category=-107 )
Well, I must get back to NOT doing my homework and barbeque chicken is sounding just delicious.
Done and done.

September 21, 2010

The First Freshman Post

Here it is. The momentous occasion. The first time this newbie will start a blog. Why, you might ask? Well a few reasons...
1. I'm avoiding doing my homework
2. Now my mother doesn't have to call me five times a day
3. This has the potential to be made into a movie. (anyone heard of Julie & Julia)
4. I've always had a secret desire to start a blog.
5. All those blogs I've stalked over the years can now stalk me.
To be quite frank, I don't know what to do with this blog or how it will turn out. But I will do my best to keep all the blog stalkers (and my mother) that happen upon this page as entertained as possible.
The first order of business: who I am...
1. A newbie to BYU!
2. A tad bit dramatic
3. A Jane Austen wannabe
4. A procrastinator
5. A shop/choc- aholic.
I guess that will have to do for now because I have an essay to write.
Done and done.